Wednesday, March 18, 2009

She grown up

Sadie is now seven months old, and still not willing to do any housework. My little newborn with the monkey hair is turning into a bigger baby, with hair that can fit into pigtails. She loves to snuggle with me, which is good because I love to snuggle with her.

Oh Sadie Baby, stay my little snuggle bug forever.


Dustin Christie and Bee said...

oh my gosh!! she is so cute!! i was wondering where all your pics of her were!!! im gonna have to say she is the second cutest baby i have ever known...besides my own. that is all. christie!

Ashlee said...

She look SOOO much like a Johnson baby to me! Cracks me up! I love her piggies... you're doing great with that girly stuff! Congrats!
She is getting big. And I too, wish my babies would stay babies much longer than they do! Thanks for the update. I was wondering where you are!

Leslie said...

I still can't figure out where she got it from, but Sadie is SO CUTE!!

OK, just kidding. She totally looks like her mother.

rychelle said...

i didn't think she could get any cuter........until i saw those pig tails.

Brittany said...

Yay for new pictures of little Sadie! She is so beautiful! Please keep posting...we can't get enough of miss Sadie!

Lindsey said...

She is so stinkin' sweet! You know you are going to have to toss that little binki soon. The younger they are, the easier it is. Trust me!